Jessi Fit Pilates

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Get Toned Legs Abs and Butt

Pilates Magic Circle & Ball Workout

Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team?

She was running away from the ball!

I am not one to play hardball but I’m always down for some Pilates ball!

A few months back I posted an instagram video of me using a ball and ring. 

Lots of you DMed me to ask me to film a full length version

This quick and intense Pilates Prop workout video will seriously test your balance and target legs abs and butt

The Pilates Ring is the most loved exercise tool on all my channels, and I love combining props in unique ways to keep you guessing! By constantly challenging your body in new ways, you will continually shock your muscles and increase the toning factor.

I also know the holidays are in full swing and quick workouts will save you time!

You can do these at home and not have to fight that holiday traffic

The ball is a great way to maximize time:

Here are some benefits of using the ball :

1. Core Stability

You activate your abs back hips and obliques in order to stabilize the ball.  You must keep your feet grounded to the floor and this power comes from the thighs and back. When you perform crunches on a ball it will activate more of your core and ab and oblique muscles. This can help keep your midsection and backside both functional and firm.

2. Spine Health

It was originally developed by physical therapists as a rehabilitation tool.  Using this can help reduce back pain when performed correctly.

The shape of the ball is similar to the curves in your spine and torso. This helps you find neutral spine- and stay in it- easier and longer. Neutral spine is used in both Pilates & Rehab settings and will more thoroughly strengthen your core and abs.

3. Improved Posture

Working in neutral spine on the ball which in turn teaches proper spinal and core alignment. When you know how to hold your spine- and your muscular strength supports it- you will have a more resilient spine and proper postural awareness.

Did you know that standing tall will help you look 10 pounds slimmer?

4. Better Balance

Just sitting on the ball can be a balance challenge. This helps to build more coordination and prevent falls and increase sports performance. If you are a runner, ball player, skier, snow or skateboarder, skater or gymnast chances are you have used this ball to help up your game.

Whether or not you participate in sports you will get older. Start training for balance NOW to keep your body well coordinated and agile to prevent falls.

5. Variety

I hate it when my workouts feel dull or predictable.  It can add more intensity for exercises like crunches. Or with single leg squats act as a tool to help you balance with more ease. Consistently challenging your body with new props will bring you consistently challenge your muscles and prevent you from plateauing.

Even more so when we combine a ball with a Pilates magic Circle 

This 12 minute Pilates inspired workout will focus on lower body and core.

If you like this video head over to my youtube channel and hit the subscribe button:)