Best Upper Body Workout for Strength

Core Back Arms
With a Yoga Strap and Dumbbells

Is it time to tone up that upper body? Do you want to feel the burn in your back arms and core?

We’ll be working out biceps, triceps, shoulders, upper back, abs, core hips and lower back in todays workout.

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Ask and you shall receive- I got a few DMS on the gram for a new Upper Body and Back workout, so here it is.

In Pilates we tend to go heavy on abs and legs routines but working those upper libs should be a priority as well

Here are some benefits of training your Upper Body Back & Arms

  1. Increase Bone Health

Lifting increases your bone density and as we age- it is important to maintain our bone health to decrease the chances of breaks and of getting osteoporosis

2. Strengthens Connective tissues

Your tendons, ligaments and cartilage are the fibers that keep your muscles and bones in place.  Keep these strong to maintain joint integrity stability and to prevent injuries.

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3.  Increase Muscle Mass

Don’t worry- you won’t get bigger!  But you will get stronger and this increases your muscle mass which can help to decrease your body fat percentage.  This gives you that toned and sleek look when combined with proper nutrition

4.  Gain Confidence

When you look at those toned arms you’ll feel like a million bucks.  Plus strenghrtening your back will help to improve your posture and stand taller.

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Wanna reap those benefits? 

Try this workout with a yoga strap and a pair of DB’s

No strap?  Use a towel- no DBs? Try using cans of soup to filled water bottles

Need a more customized plan to get fit toned and flexible?

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