6 Best Band Ab Exercises

Do you want flatter and more toned abs?

Do you have a loop band? 

With summer coming and bikinis becoming a reality after a quarantine spring filled with snacks, I’m targeting my midsection more.

Photo is me by @alfaportrait

Photo is me by @alfaportrait

Having visible abs requires a lower body fat-

I’m watching what I eat and getting my steps in. 

I’m also bumping up my ab work.

Using a fabric loop band from Hope Fitness Gear, these moves are my ABsolute go-tos to tone strengthen and flatten my abs.  The band provides resistance and will help to tone you up faster than doing a no equipment workout

Check out these exercise charts to help you get your best body for summer’s skimpy clothes. 

These 6 moves will sculpt your core fast and there’s a video at the bottom that shows all angles.

I specifically chose these as each one will engage the deepest layers of your abs, and many of them target the obliques.  The obliques are on the sides of your waist- and I know I don’t like it when I muffin top out of my short shorts or tiny tight skirts.

If you don’t have a loop band you can always tie up a pair of leggings into a loop, but the fabric band provide way more resistance than the rubber ones.  Plus these are completely latex free in case you are allergic to the rubber ones.

Make sure to watch the video below as I included beginner versions where appropriate 

Try a few rounds of each 2-3 times per week for optimal results.

  1. Side Plank Leg Lift

Targets- Obliques, Core, Hips, Shoulders

It’s a challenging one for sure- but I used an elbow position to lessen any pressure on wrists.  I also provided modifications if youre new to Pilates moves

side plank leg lift best band ab exercise jessi fit pilates.png

2. Double Band Crunch

Targets- Upper & Lower Abs, Hips, Low Back, Core

Double up with a crunch and a reverse crunch to really pack an an crunch in here.  This move should be a mainstay in any ab routine and the band will help to tone your booty as well

double bad crunch 6 best ab band exercises jessi firt pilates.png

3. Standing Oblique Crunch

Targets- Core Obliques Shoulders Hips Balance

Doing ab exercises whilst standing may not be typical- but this compound move will burn more calories and target hips and mobility

4. Elbow Abs Legs Lower & Open

Targets- Lower Abs, Hips Back, Upper Body

Endless crunches become a pain in the neck.  By propping yourself on your elbows, you’ll also be reversing your computer posture as you target the lower part of your midsection

elbow leg lower and open resistance band exercises jessi fit pilates.png

5. Pilates Corkscrew

Targets- Upper & Lower Abs, Obliques, Hips, Core

Twist and circle your way to a whittled waist with an advanced variation of the Pilates Corkscrew

pilates corkscrew 6 best band ab exercises.png

6. Lower Leg Beats

Targets- Low Abs, Hips, Lower Back
These short sharp moves really pack a punch and will hit some of the toughest spots to tone

lower ab beats 6 best band exercises jessi fit pilates.png

These moves are amazingly effective and I hope you try them out soon.  Make sure to share them with your fitness bestie so they can flatten their abs and tone up with you

Check out Hope Fitness bands- a percentage of all proceeds go to helping kids battling health problems