10 Ways to Unplug from Technology 

Self Care in Self Isolation

Tips to ReSet & ReCharge

Femme luxe finery wanted me to test out their loungewear. 

What better way to test it than while I’m still “on pause” in New York State

I may be a digital creator but I know that staring into a black mirror for hours on end is not very healthy.

The blue light, the computer posture, the text neck- all of these physical conditions occur when were staring at our screens too much.

From a mental aspect- we know too much tech can be info overload and bad for self esteem and can be causes of mental stress.  

We all know giving yourself a break or do a day will do wonders for your mind body and soul.

But what to do with that time without technology?  Sure sometimes a Netflixbinge is in order but if youre looking for a more stimulating option…

Here are my top ways to get off the smart Phone/ tablet/ Television or laptop

  1. Meditate

What a great time to Practice mindfulness and calming breathing techniques

I use two apps to listen to guided meditations but you can also sit in one of these poses and Breathe deeply . When times are tough its easy to feel stressed, frightened overwhelmed and filled with anxity. Spending time each day to refocus on your for a moment- can be centering and offer clarity. I find myself thinking clearer and reacting better when I meditate regularly.

Breathing deep gives you a moment to check in with myself slow me roll and feel calmer and clearer 

Try a pose or just sit upright in a chair.  Close your eyes ands inhale through your nose for 4 counts, hold it for 4 counts, exhale through your mouth for 4 counts, hold it again for 4 counts. Keep repeating for a few minutes.

2. Journaling

Expressing yourself can help you cope with all the feels and give you an outlet for the thoughts in your mind.

Having a way to express your thoughts and feelings is so important, especially if you are self-isolating with little to no company. It is far too easy to be consumed by anxious thoughts and feelings of worry, particularly when it seems like the rest of the world is in a state of panic and it is hard to find calming, rational voices.

Writing helps me to clarify my thoughts and make them seem less scary or illogical

Plus you can track things like moods, food and hydration, to do lists , grocery lists and more.

Journaling in my Deanna Lounge Wear set from Femme Luxe Finery

Journaling in my Deanna Lounge Wear set from Femme Luxe Finery

Perfect Your Makeup

Want that perfect cat eye line? 

Have you tried contouring or perhaps cut crease?  Perhaps brows are sobering you want to level up on in skill. 

I went pretty hard in the first half of isolation with my Cosplay Makeup- and it really helped me sharpen my skills.  Advanced makeup techniques take plenty of practice- and you dont have to start with these.  Try a new color on your eyes or work on the perfect pout.  

Try turning on some music and lighting up some feminine incense or an oil diffuser to really get into the zone

Try each of these moves for 30- 120 seconds.

Try each of these moves for 30- 120 seconds.

Love the way my Loungewear Set moves with me

Love the way my Loungewear Set moves with me


Some days you won’t wanna force a whole without. But your back is a hey and you’re muscles feel stuck. After the deep breaths above try some lazy lengthening moves that are my go to when I need just a bit of a stretchy boost

The mind and body are connected, they are one. 

If you’re feeling anxious and stiff your body is less supple and aches are always distracting. Its the best way to increase flexibility and blood flow to your muscles.

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Coloring books

It can be somewhat mindless and soothing but I am completely insprites by color and no one has to know if you went out of the lines. I find this hue fuller activity to be restful and recharging. 

You don’t have to be Picasso to have a good time-

Pick your favorite color or two and alternate through and then add in a few complimenting colors.  

You don’t have to color things perfectly to enjoy it

You don’t have to color things perfectly to enjoy it


Even in your home and not at a party or festival or bar or club , it’s a great way to keep moving! There are plenty of dj livestreams on Facebook instagram twitch and youtibe - no playlist needed. . 

Just turn on some tunes and let your body move to the beat. Dancing will do wonders for your emotional wellbeing. 

And just a few minutes or songs will be enough to give you a boost.

Read a book

Reading can be such a great way to escape your couch and transport into other worlds places times abs faces. 

You can visit another country or planet and experience another culture or era.

All without taking a step.  Get inspired by biographies or love stories. The choice is all yours!
Plus it’s great for your brain! 

Reading a real book can help improve memory and focus. 

Curled up in my Ruched Loungewear Set

Curled up in my Ruched Loungewear Set

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Organize your closet

At a time when things can feel out of control- and you’re home a lot- focus on the things you can control. I Marie Kondo’d my drawers -rolled up style.  I separated my closet by type- pants vs shorts vs dresses vs skirts vs shirts. I even found my favorite tee I thought went missing 

Try turning on some upbeat music and turnings to add some ambiance. 

Take this as the perfect opportunity to organise and declutter your living space, and enjoy the sense of satisfaction you get when it is done

Skin care

Have you been wanting to try a gazillion step skin care routine? 

skin care self care in isolation

Do you want to experiment with new masks or a jade roller?  I find practicing a longer routine leaves me feeling more relaxed and has definitely left me with more if a glow. You can try a new mask a week or experiment with some DIY recipes.

Tarot cards

I love my tarot deck from Osho.

The messages are always so positive and the images are rainbow filled and inspiring.

Would you believe the card I pulled for this reading was ICE-olation???

There are many decks to chose from. I have no shame about using the book to look up each card and I’ve been doing it for years.

Since Osho was known for his  yoga & meditation views- I find it very soothing and clarifying. I think of it less as a fortune telling and more of an unwinding exercise 

I hope this helps you on your wellness journey

Self isolation is not everyone’s idea of a great time, but more self care is something i’ve never regretted…. Taking time to unplug from technology and enjoy some simple pleasures can do wonders to relive tension and renew.

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