7 Ways To Get Fit Even When You're Stuck At Home

You may find yourself stuck at home more these days because of COVID-19 or for any other number of reasons.

What you shouldn’t do is let this be an excuse for letting go of your workouts and adopting unhealthy habits.

Instead, focus on what you can do to get fit while you’re stuck at home so you can get stronger and feel your best. The following ideas and tips will help you find success with your workout routine and fitness goals even though you’re around the house more and unable to get to the gym.

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Set up A Home Gym

You can get fit when you’re stuck at home by setting up a home fitness area in your house. A home studio is a great idea because you can exercise whenever you feel like it or have time without much effort. You can wear whatever you want and don’t have to waste time commuting. Summer is coming so make sure you stay cool enough and hydrated by running the AC and drinking a lot of water. Contact a 24 Hour AC Repair company if your air stops working and you need to cool off your home right away.

Grab Some Fitness & Pilates Props

A home space is not going to need a full reformer or weight rack. So many exercises can be performed with just bodyweight- but some key props can add variety and make it fun. You do not have to buy all the props or toys at once- just buy one or two toys and then see what you really use. I love having a set of bands and dumbbells- you can see more in my Amazon Store - but don’t feel obligated to buy them all. Pick two then add in when you get bored with those and want more variety.

Get Outside

Keep it healthy and fun by getting outside more often. Take advantage when the weather is pleasant and cooperative and enjoy the fresh air. There are many activities you can do such as walking, biking, running, and swimming. Find a new trail to hike on and bring your dog along with you for some company. You’ll not only be improving your physical health but being outdoors is good for your mental health as well.

Stream Videos & Classes

If it’s rainy or cold and you just want to hang inside then consider streaming videos and classes from your phone computer or TV. There are many free exercise workouts available that you can stream and follow along with to stay fit while you’re stuck at home. You can choose a cardio workout if you’re feeling full of energy or try Pilates if you want to focus on improving your flexibility and toning your muscles. Check out my YouTube Channel here

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Stay Breezy

Your workout area can get stuffy hot and sweaty. Consider getting an air purifier and fan to put on while you workout and after to air out the room. You can also use a diffuser with essential oils to help keep it smelling a bit nicer. Another tip is to put dryer sheets in sweaty sneakers so they dont stink up the toom.

Eat Nutritious Foods

While physical activity is an important part of getting fit it’s not the only solution or aspect. You must also take in a balanced set of nutrients and watch what you eat to get healthier while you’re stuck at home. It can be tempting to rummage through the fridge and cupboards when you’re at home and feeling bored. However, this may stall any progress you’re making with your fitness goals. Choose to eat healthy snacks and foods and consider cooking for yourself instead of UberEating it

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Turn Up The Music

Music can be a huge motivator to staying focused on your exercises. It always helps me stay in the zone and makes it more enjoyable. Pick out your favorite playlist or radio station and lift to the beat of your favorite songs!


Apply these tips and you’ll be on your way to getting fit when you’re stuck at home and feeling healthy confident and strong. Get creative with your workouts and stay motivated. Be proud of yourself for working on yourself and getting fitter even though you’re hanging around the house more. 

For More Home Workout Tips check out this post