3 Ways To Avoid Injury

Fitness, exercise, training, all of these things are wonderful and can truly transform your life.

That said, thanks to their high-intensity nature compared to standard sedentary life, the potential risk of injury or difficulty is minimal if moderated, but there.

Whether you workout at home, in a gym, or in a Pilates or Yoga studio- one wrong move and you can wind up with a twisted ankle, a sprained knee or a mighty painful back.

For this reason, it’s important to make sure we have help on hand if we’re ever injured, such as visiting a Podiatry clinic, getting regular massages, and visiting doctors.

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That said, while it’s essential to plan for possible injuries, the best choice you could ever make - is toto avoid one

Your best bet is to take a careful approach to training. This means following safety protocol, and here’s the big one- knowing good form as well as what your limits are. I have seen countless people that sit behind desks all day want to do handstand and splits. But sometimes these goals just aren’t realistic- unless you’re willing to spend two or three hours a day training for it. Many often- people try to cram those three hours into thirty minutes of an advanced class they aren’t ready for- and get hurt. This will only set you back from achieving your goals..

The real winner is consistency as well as being realistic about what you can achieve. This will keep you injury free- lets go over a few other things to help you stay happy healthy and out of a cast!

With the following advice, we hope you can feel empowered to avoid a sports injury as necessary. Let’s get started:


It’s essential to warm up correctly. This means using dynamic stretches (such as light lunges and jumping jacks) to warm up, rather than cold static stretches, which should be used post-workout, never pre-workout.

This way, you can keep your muscles active, ready, and willing to go.

See below for a great dynamic mobility videos featuring CARS. Thiswill warm up all of your joints safely- before any form of exercise.

Learn Correct Form

It’s essential to learn the correct form when working out.

It is much better to use lighter weight with perfect form then heavier weight that causes you to use every muscle BUT the one youre actually targeting!

Joseph Pilates famously said- “Never do a 5 pound exercise with ten pounds”

While larger numbers might be more impressive, you’re actually making more progress with a full range of ROM. Use the services of a personal trainer (click here to book a time with me) or record yourself if you’re not sure you have the form down or not. Use exercise textbooks and websites to study the officially approved form, and understand how you may have to make concessions thanks to your individual body type and mechanics.

Wear The Right Clothing

Wearing the correct clothing to work out or train is essential. A great pair of shoes is the first step, they must conform to your feet without being overly tight or loose. Furthermore, the soles will often matter depending on what you’re trying to do. Strong, flat foot weightlifting shoes provide essential balance and a neutral posture when lifting, for instance, while running shoes often have a slight arch to help with your gait.

For Pilates you may want grip socks, or no socks depending on where you are working out. Depending on the shape of your feet, custom solutions may be needed. Breathable fabrics are important to wear when exercising in the heat and make sure you take off any jewelry. It can get caught on equipment and/ or snag your leggings!

With this advice, we hope you can avoid injury and pain, because that’s a WAY better than recovering from them!