How To Get Out Of A Fitness Rut

Feel like your current fitness regimen simply isn’t doing the trick right now?

Having a harder time meeting your goals and even finding the motivation to keep going?

It can happen to all of us. We get stuck in ruts and it feels like we’re going no where. You don’t feel like hitting your workouts hard anymore and you can’t find your motivation.

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But there are ways to dig yourself back out and into your groove.

Let’s Stay On Track…

Don’t Lose Sight of How Far You’ve Come

Does it feel like you’ve been working out to little gain, lately? Could it possibly be that you’ve achieved a lot more than you might think, but you simply can’t see it? This is a common problem for those who don’t track their progress effectively. Start taking notes on your exercise achievements. Even if its just about how much energy you have now and how you can run for the bus a bit longer. Write it down in a journal. It can serve as a good reminder of what you have really achieved, motivating you to achieve even more.

Supplement With the Right Extras

It’s not just all about mindset and what workouts you do. Nutrition is 80% of how you achieve your fitness goals, periodT. Make sure that you’re using the right “extras” to meet your specific goals. If you’re trying to strengthen up, then you should buy protein powder to get more out of strength training. This is especilayy tru of you are plant based or have trouble eating enough protein through your day. Weight loss and metabolism-boosting supplements can help if you’re trying to reach a certain weight goal, as well. They can’t replace a good diet, but they can help out big time

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Take a Break

You may have been over doing it. And over training drains you, lowers your immune system and makes you feel tired and hungry all the time. try taking just a few days off and focus on sleeping well. Minimize caffeine to sleep better and then try going back to your normal class or gym time a bit more refreshed.

Branch out From Your Normal

Your go-to workout might have been working because you were going from couch potato to full on class enthusiast. You saw immediate quick results because you went from not moving to moving. Now you may still be improving but it’s just taking longer. So, why not take the time to shake things up? High-intensity interval training and cross-training can be great ways to try something new. You can reduce plateaus as well as improving your other areas of your physical fitness, keeping your motivation high and making it fun in the process.

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Eat More Whole Foods

It’s easy to look at a diet simply in terms of macro and micronutrients. You might be cutting down salt and added sugars while making sure you’re getting the healthy fats and proteins the body needs. However, you need to consider where those nutrients come from as well. Im a big fan of Vegan eating and one of the healthiest diets out there is the Mediterranean Diet. Both of these focus on whole foods, have been proven to fight chronic diseases, and are loaded with ample fruits and vegetables. Check out this meal plan that combines the two.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Negative self talk will rarely be a positive rallying factor. Positive reinforcement is a much better tactic if you want to start associating workouts with good feelings. Telling yourself youre bad simply because you didnt work out is not going to make you want to workout more. Instead make a plan for how you can try to tackle some gym time tomorrow

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Grab Some New Gear

For me wearing bright colored workout clothes always makes me want to workout! And who doesn’t love putting on a fresh pair of sneakers. I really loved my Shein outfits and they sure didn’t break the bank. If you love Nike Puma Adidas or Reebok- hit the sale sections of their website to save a few bucks. Many sites will give you 10 percent off your first purchase for signing up for their mailihg list as well.

Reexamine Your Why

Make sure to take a look at why you workout. Is it for healh reasons? To look a certain way? To prepare for an athletic event like a marathon or race? Do you want more energy to keep up with your kids? Make a list of all the reasons you like staying fit and keep that list handy for when you feel like dropping out

If you’re feeling like you’re in a rut, it’s a good idea to examine both your motivation and your methods.

You’re not going to keep progressing if you do the same thing over and over, plus it gets boring.

Make things fun and don’t forget to try new things!

Have you grabbed my free ebook? It has tons of ways to start and stay on a healthy fitness habit and I break down goal setting too