Yoganna Love These Hacks On Taking Yoga To The Next Level

Two words - health benefits.

That’s the best reason to take up yoga and practice daily.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll probably know what yoga is and how beneficial it can be for your mind and your body. Nothing makes me feel better than hitting the mat and swirling through a few of my favorite vinyasas!

But in today’s busy world- we’re all looking for the best and easiest ways to incorporate these mindful practices into our lives.

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Show Up Early

As long as you do it, you might not care how you get through it. If you turn up with your breakfast and coffee stains strewn across your exercise gear then so be it! However, yoga is not only about putting your body through the moves but also quieting your mind. Showing up just as the class is about to start isn’t the best preparation. The key is to be early so that you can control your thoughts, get in touch with your breathing, and invest in yourself. And yes this counts for zoom classes!

Practice on an Empty Stomach

Whereas other forms of exercise you’ll need some fuel in your body- with yoga you’ll not want to eat at least 2- 3 hours before practicing. With moves like down dog and a host of other inversion, you don’t want to feel sick. If you must eat try half a banana.

Do It Everywhere

The brilliant thing about yoga is you need nothing but a mat. You might do it in the park, a hotel or in the woods or really anywhere.. Whether you’re at home or in a gym, you can roll out a mat and go straight into a downward-facing dog stretch. By taking part in different places or websites, you’ll participate in new classes with unusual instructors who have contrasting views on the practice. The best way to take yoga to the next level is to learn more about it from different sources.

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Stay Hydrated

Instead of grabbing a cup of coffee before your morning sesh try sipping on some plain water. Bonus if you add a squeeze of lemon for some vitamin c and flavor. try to avoid gulping it down in huge portions so it doesn’t slosh around in your stomach as you practice. Stay well sipped all class and bring a bottle to sip on and keep it next to your mat.

Keep It Short

If you only have 10 minutes- get those ten minutes in! Your class times doesn’t not have to be one hour or 90 minutes for it to count. Great if you have the time, but if you don’t- a few minutes is better than nothing! There are still benefits to moving mindfully for just a few.

Be Eco-Friendly

Taking conservation seriously is similar to preparing your mind before getting your sweat on. Yoga is about how you can spirituality connect to the physical world. Being more mindful also means encompassing how we effect the planet. Did you know those cheap plastic mats have a ridiculously high CO2 footprint? This great eco yoga mats list will guide you if you’re unsure of which to buy. You can also buy reusable bottles and recycled and more consciously made clothes.

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Try Private Sessions

Are you struggling with poses in classes? Can’t figure out what that teacher is doing on youtube? Invest in a few private sessions that are tailored to your body goals and this is especially true if you have injuries or any special things your body needs accommodated for.

Move Past Asana

Yoga is often misrepresented. Yes, the physical act of holding poses, known as asana, is a significant part of it and aligns your body and strengthens your core muscles. But, there are more features to factor in, from meditation and breathwork (pranayama) to chanting and the Yamas and Niyamas. Only practicing one aspect of yoga won’t enable you to experience everything the art has to offer, which is why you should move past asana and onto more demanding elements.

Yoga is a fantastic way to get healthy and be more mindful.

These hacks can take yoga, and your wellbeing, to the next level and I hope they help you- check you some free yoga workouts below.