Jessi Fit Pilates

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Morning Mobility - Catwoman edition

Cars with CatWoman

I didn’t misspell CATS- CARS stands for Controlled Articular Rotations:)

Let’s get Feline Flexible with a functional way to stretch

Between my journey to splits and my journey to combat hip and back pain- I found Functional Range Conditioning. As a kid I was not good at things like ballet and gymnastics because I just wasn’t that naturally flexible.  I loved being active but I just didn’t possess loose limbs

Lots of folks say mobility training is boring and we’ll disprove that in today’s workout video…

While CatWoman agrees that it is time consuming- she’s here to spice things up and break it down for you

Functional Range Conditioning, or FRC is a science based System consisting of strength mobility and flexibility training.

Years of Pilates and yoga never gave me super stretchy hips or shoulders.  A few years back I decided to make splits a goal- I’m goal oriented and always love a good challenge.  

Pilates is great stuff for the core but I really over did it with repetitive advanced moves. 

I wound up with some pretty bad hip pain.  I tried physical therapy and it only helped a little.  A friend told me about FRC and I kept seeing it all over instagram.  I started to practice the moves and in January I completed my FRC certification

Flexibility is the ability to lengthen a muscle. 

Mobility is the ability of a joint to move actively through its range of motion

For something like splits- you will need not just flexibility in the hips- you’ll need all the muscles in your entire body to be able to work at their end ranges of possible motion.  If you were just to stretch- like I did for years- you may get more flexible in the hip flexors or quads- but you may lack the rotation in the hips- in order to swivel back.

CARS is the gateway into FRC-

Even though many of the CARS positions are suitable for beginners- they are not at all easy if done correctly- which is very similar to Pilates

In CARS- we take each major joint and slowly and controlled take it through its full circular motion. 

Your major joints all have the ability to swivel and twist to form circles and use it in its full capacities

It’s not just stretching- you’ll be simultaneously isometrically contracting the rest of your body.  There will be a huge focus on breath and alignment.  It’s really strength training for your joints- and some of the moves may be small and some of them may not look like you’re moving much- but they can be quite intense

Improving your joints mobility will bring it to optimal health and keep you injury free

Now goals like splits may not be for everyone, and the below routine is not a split routine. Doing mobility drills and training your joints to work properly will be useful to anyone.  Especially in today’s society where our moves are so limited to butts in a chair all day

CARs is recommended to be done a few times a day-

The most important time according to Dr Spina, the creator of FRDC- is first thing in the morning.  Now you def don’t have to crawl into a catsuit before your coffee- but watch the video below with Seline K;ye so you can get strong and stretchy all in one

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