Self Care Tips for 2021

Are you feeling run down?

Maybe headed toward burnout? Is it time to prioritize self care?

We are currently living in unprecedented times and it has never been more vital to focus on yourself.

If you are feeling low energy, having trouble with motivation, or are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and generally triggered or on edge- it’s time for some more techniques to combat all that stress

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When you practice self-care you have a higher level of confidence and self-esteem, as well as a reduction in health problems ranging from anxiety and insomnia to heart disease and depression. Self-care is important in so many aspects of your life and it will encourage you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself and keep your self emotionally nourished and more regulated.

If you are looking for some top self-care tips, we have put together some that you can implement right away.

Find Time For Yourself

We all live busy lives and it can be difficult to find time for yourself but

Schedule some time for YOU.  Light a candle, run yourself a bubble bath and/ or read a book, do some baking, or get out some art tools and do some painting or drawing.   Have you tried a new walk around your home? Try to schedule just a few minutes each day for this so you can just switch off from everything else. I personally love coloring books. Even a Netflix session can be self care. It is important to zonk out sometimes.

Make Time For Fitness

If you’re on this blog you probably know how important it is to exercise. 

With so much of the world closed right now- working out is one of the best ways to release dopamine..  here in NYC feel good activities like movies, theater and museums are all restricted- but home workouts arrest.   It doesn’t need to be anything overly strenuous tor super long. Just a few minutes of Pilates, Yoga, cardio or strength training can be beneficial. Exercise is great for getting your endorphins pumping and your blood flowing, all of which can help you to feel much better

Switch off the News

News and media use something called negativity bias to get our attention. 

The human brain is wired to focus on negativity- keep in mind what is now anxiety is what kept us alive when we were hunting and gathering.  This with this heightened awareness were more likely to hear an enemy or wild animal about to attack us

The sensational headlines now hook us into thinking were in danger.  But the reality is- were not and having 17 thousand notifications from news apps is stressful in itself.  Many mental heath professionals agree- unplug from it and limit your exposure.  Set limits on times and see if you can find channels that also show positive news.

Try Alternative Healing Methods

Meditation is one of the best ways to live stress and calm your brain from any trauma of the pandemic. 

Consider making some herbal tea at night and trying just a few minutes to end your day in zen. I used to get massages but I’ve been utilizing my foam roller more.  It really is a great way to melt tension and stress from your muscles. Massage guns and acupressure mats can be alternatives to in person touch.  The spiky mats hit acupressure points and can help to soothe sore backs and also melt muscle tension.  In lieu of the real thing- massage guns use vibrational technology and a variety of heads to help you overcome muscle soreness, relieve body fatigue, combat stiffness and spasms.

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If you find that you aren’t well or experience sharp pains after exercise, it may be time to look for deeper answers and seek the help of professionals. It could be an idea to look at and learn more about chiropractic, osteopathy and acupuncture. These can all help you if you are suffering and are in pain. It is never a good idea to walk around for weeks on end in extreme pain,

Speak To Your Loved Ones Regularly

Make sure you take time to connect with family and friends-

Even if it is just for a quick catch up about nothing in particular. If you are feeling down, your friends and family can help to put things into perspective and cheer you up when you need it the most. Why not give a group call or quiz a go?  This is a great time to connect with old friends that you haven’t spoken to in AGES. Perhaps there is a relative that you haven’t caught up with that moved far away?

These are just a few self-care tips that will inspire you to find new ways to care for yourself today.

Remember that we are living in challenging times and if you are struggling, always pick up the phone and speak to someone.

You can’t pour from an empty cup, so prioritize yourself so you can be present in your best form for others.

What are some of your top self-care tips?

Which of the above will you try first? Let me know!

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