How To Be Healthier

There is so much conflicting information out there on what’s the best way to be fit

but what if i told you- simplicity is key…

It’s not about massive overhauls or complicated routines-

Let’s break down 5 basic ways to be more well

Think more "lifestyle medicine" — implementing basic changes in food, exercise, and stress and financial management — and less extreme diet and three hour workout marathons.

Here are five simple-but-significant lifestyle improvements for beginning to live a healthier lifestyle.

Think Positive and Practice gratitude

According to research, having a happy mindset helps build a stronger immune system and improves overall health. People who spend more time experiencing gratitude seem to spend less time experiencing aches and pains and going to doctors. They also report more feelings of physical and mental well-being.

Try thinking of 5 things every morning you are grateful for.

At night think of five good things you are grateful that happened or are looking forwards to


Aim for five servings of veggies every day, which can be raw, steamed, or stir-fried.

A high-vegetable diet is linked to a lower risk of lung, colon, breast, cervix, esophagus, stomach, bladder, pancreatic, and ovarian cancer. Many of the most potent phytonutrients are found in foods with the most vibrant hues, such as broccoli, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, grapes, and leafy greens.


Let’s maintain your metabolism and keep your energy levels stable.

A "3 meal ideal" diet can help you manage your weight, keep your calm, stay focused, and avoid cravings, all of which will contribute to a healthy lifestyle and can help with fat loss.

The idea is that, by eating three meals a day while breaking them up with some fruits and vegetables in between, you're able to control your food intake and your appetite. Spreading calories throughout the day keeps you from getting hungry after each meal.


Did you know that regular exercise can lower all biomarkers of ageing? This includes enhancing vision, stabilising blood pressure, lean muscle mass, decreasing cholesterol, and increasing bone density. You must exercise if you want to live a healthy and long life!

According to studies, even ten minutes of exercise makes an impact - so get moving!

  • Turn on the music and dance in your living room.

  • Ride your bike to work.

  • Take a walk to the park with a freind or co worker

  • Enroll in hip hop or ballet classes

  • Try flow arts or hula hooping.

  • Jump on a trampoline

  • Play hopscotch or jump rope.

  • Volleyball at the beach

  • Walk instead of driving or taking transi

    These are all excellent ways to increase your health- so pick a way and move it move it:)


  • Try relaxing techniques like meditation and breathwork, if you have difficulties sleeping.

  • Try peppermint or chamomile tea or aromatherapy with scents like lavender.

  • Avoiding blue light and screen time a few hours before bedtime to bring your body in line with circadian rhythms

  • Increase the darkness in your room with black out curtains.

  • I keep my clock and phone away from me so I can’t watch the time!

  • Write down your anxieties or stressful ideas to get them off your mind and onto paper. This will allow you to put issues into perspective and stop obsessing about them.

Every once in awhile things may happen that are out of your control so read more

Stay well and enjoy the tips!!