9 Ways To Stay Healthy During Isolation or Quarantine (COVID-19)

It’s World Health Day during a time the entire world is facing a pandemic of catastrophic proportions. 

It’s more ironic than a Alanis MorRisette song.

You know the obvious ways to avoid the Rona like:

Washing your hands, Social distancing and wearing a mask.

Here are some ways to keep your health at home. 

1. Shoes off.

They track in dirt and germs and pollen. Avoid allergy attacks and for bonus points wipe down your shoes with a bleach and water mixture- so you’re not

2. Set a timer if you’re WFH once an hour.

Get up do a few stretches and if you need steps- do squats, lunges, jumping jacks, push ups and jog in place for 30 seconds each. 

3. Set up a home fitness and meditation area.

This doesn’t need to be big but when you make the space for it it’s always ready. You just need to fit a yoga mat- no need to take up half your house!

4. If you have kids or pets that are incredibly interested in your home workouts- make them part of it.

Super set your moves with the moves they want you to do. Try a few crunches then a few ball tosses with a pup. Kids are curious and you can try to teach them your moves- I recommend making a game out of it and enjoy this time with them. If appropriate children and dogs can be used as weights but I suspect cats won’t play along as well:)

5. Get outside for a walk or run.

Wear a mask and avoid crowded areas but it’s a cheap way to fill up on vitamin d. 

6. Schedule your workouts in

Like I always say- if it’s not on your calendar it won’t happen. If you are lacking in fitness equipment- use bottles of water for weights, old leggings for bands- and chairs can be used creatively as steps

7. Schedule your meditation time in 

If you want a healthy mindset through this time I highly recommend trying Insight Timer or my favorite teacher Zophie Meditation was key as I navigated a divorce and it’s been helping me stay sane during this zany time.

8. Clean your house

If you’re having trouble getting your step count in- scrubbing dusting mopping and vacuuming will do the trick. I try to do one task each day so I’m not spending the entire day with a sponge in my hand.

9. Keep healthy snacks on hand

Grapes apples oranges carrots hummus and nuts are alll great choices.  I’ve been munching more than usual but I try to stick with highly nutritious choices

Need some help finding a home workout plan?

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