Jessi Fit Pilates

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Best Stretches for Tech Neck

Powered by Born Tough

Have you been hunched over your phone or staring at your laptop for hours on end? 

Is it making your neck or upper back ache? 

Since Covid has us working from home- without the desks for many of us- there’s been an uptick in neck & back pain. 

Find some relief with these stretches

Poor posture from looking down puts our neck and upper back in some funky positions. 

It compresses the from out our neck and tightens our chest and shoulders.  It also lengthens and weakens the upper back and back of neck.  We stare tap and scroll at a screen constantly and now more than ever we need some daily stretches to combat the effects on our necks

The rounded shoulder position will actually hurt your ability to breathe deeply.

Your energy levels may drop if you’re not taking in enough oxygen.  Try to sit tall when you’re typing and keep your devices at eye level so you’re not constantly looking down.  It’s also helpful to take breaks so you’re not slouching for hours on end.

Feeling some discomfort in your neck? I got you- I chose these moves to release some of the tension. 

Born Tough sent me these super comfortable joggers tee and jacket. I love the pocket filled outfit and it felt great for these stretches.  Check them out for all your workout gear needs!

If you have an injury or nerve pain- you may need to leave these out or check with a doctor before trying

Be sure to scroll down to the video at the end to see them and the outfit in action

90 Degree Wall Stretch

When we sit over a computer too much, we really tighten our chest and shoulder muscles. Using the wall can really get you up out of that chair and into better posture

Wall Chest & Lat Stretch

Placing the hand up higher changes the muscles it hits

Side Neck Stretch

Be super gentle with this one:). Never force your neck down and for some folks just letting gravity pull the head to one side may be enough without the hand assistance.

Side Torso Stretch

You can try this in any seated position, and it will really open up your sides. I’m pressing into my bottom arm for stability and my abs are engaged

Kneeling Lunge Shoulder Stretch

I’m in a kneeling lunge position, very close to a wall. My knee is padded and My palm is facing the wall. This is an intense stretch for shoulders chest and hips and not for the faint of heart. Hold for 60- 120 seconds

Twisted Torso Stretch

This may be done in any seated position but I am kneeling. Sitting ball reach one hand back to floor. Front hand can stabilize on leg foot or floor. Stay tall and breathe deep to stretch. Hold 60- 120 seconds

Shoulder Stretch

This can even be done sitting at your desk, but try to stand up often.

We hope you these take the knots out of your neck, make sure you check out Born Tough for the jogger set:)

Some of these stretches are actually part of my 28 Day challenge. A viewer requested I make these cheat sheets. 

So be sure to tell me what you want to see next on the blog. Comment below:)